Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sculpt, Mold, Press

So, at the moment I'm on the verge of considering the original plastic idea a complete bust, at least for it's orginally intended purpose.  On the other hand, I think it'll be perfect for making the second part of my purity seals.  Unfortunately, though, this means that the cost of my project is going to go up a little.  But, I may have at least a cheap solution to the problem.  Apparently, those cheap "For Sale", of "Garage Sale" signs they sell at various hardware stores are made out of certain typ eof plastic that might just be perfect for what I'm trying to do.  From my understanding, those are just a couple bucks a sheet, which shouldn't be too bad.  Still, that means I'm not going to be able to control the thickness of the sheets as I had originally hoped I was going to be able to do.  So, I have something of a solution.  Once I have the parts vacu-formed (which will be much further down the line on this project) I'll line the inside of each piece with some fiberglass.  This should make it nice and firm.  Problem being, it's going to take another price hike to accomplish this.

Another price concern is plaster.  It's not monstrously expensive, but I'm going to need a pretty large sum of it for this project.  I'm starting to get a little disappointed at how quickly my prices are going up just a couple of days into the project, but I suppose it was to be expected.  Still, I'm going to try to negate the problem by take as many other monetary short cuts as I can.

So some good news.  I've started work on the second part of my purity seals.  Finally nailed down the design I want to use, and sculpted it out yesterday.  Afterwards, I got the last bit of plaster left in my garage and made me a nice mold.  Used my plastic in it, but like a jerk, I forgot to apply my releasing agent, making it stick to the mold and become worthless.  I'll try again a little later today, hopefully with a bit more success.

Speaking of scuplting, I worked out the design for my Rosarius.  Sculpted it out this morning.  Now I just need to wait until I can get my hands on some more plaster.  In addition, to make this properly, I'm going to have to construct some new equipment.  Fortunately, this will be very much on the cheap.  To make this thing right, it's going to need to be made of metal.  As such, I'm going to be constructing an aluminum foundry.  I was really excited to find that I can get most of the parts for this completely free, since it's mostly just made out of trash.

Eventually, I'll get to posting the pictures of everything I've discussed.  My camera is a smidge more than a decade old and has next to no battery life anymore, making it really difficult to get pictures when I need them.

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