Sunday, April 12, 2009

For Your Consideration

Okay, so I think I'll start things off with a little further explanation on what I'm specifically attempting to achieve here.

Obviously, my ultimate goal is to create the most finely crafted Space Marine armor for the most modest budget.  But there's a bit more detail to it than that.  Once I am done, I'm hoping to actually take this to various conventions to show it off, so I want to put as much detail into it as possible.  As such, I'm more or less making a character that is going to be reflected in the costume.  This "character" is going to be a Chaplain of the Blood Angels Chapter, wearing Mk. 7 "Eagle Armor" that's been modified to reflect his office.  Now that sounds simple enough (it probably won't once I actually go through what has to be done to construct said armor), but the amount of detail that's going to have to be added on top of the basic armor constructin will be overwhelming.

Things To Be Produced (Armor itself not included):

In addition to the parts I'm making for the costume, I'm going to also have to acquire and construct a number of tools and materials necessary to complete the project:

Tools and Supplies:

  • Fiberglass Resin and Sheets
  • Clay
  • Plaster
  • Styrene Foam
  • Vacu-Forming Table
  • Heat Gun
  • Riveter
  • Velcro
  • Lenses
  • Various Colors of Paint
  • Sealer
  • Lenses
  • Stencils
  • Stuff I Haven't Even Thought of Yet
  • Countless Manhours

Now, as I said, part of the project is going to be finding cost-effective ways of acquiring and constructing these materials.  I may possibly fail in some or all of these aspects.  I'm hoping no the latter.  That would make this a very short-lived project.

Anyway, there really is no set agenda or schedule regarding when I'm going to work on what, but there are certain factors to take into account.  The armor itself will have to be built in a fairly specific order, but aside from that, the various other items like the purity seals and bolt pistol and such can be done before or after or in the middle of the armor construction.  Regardless, the goal is to constantly be working on something for the project.

I have officially started on the project and I'm taking pictures every step of the way.  If readers are interested in building a set of their own armor, I recommend either following the Bolter and Chainsword Tutorial or waiting until I'm completely done with mine.  Not that I don't want people to follow along, but I'm working using a number of methods that I'm not entirely sure will work and I don't want people sharing my possibly expensive failures.

Stay Tuned.

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