Friday, April 17, 2009

Not Much

Nothing really big going on at the moment.  Just a few minor things here and there:

  • Messed up my purity seal mold.  Loaded it up with plastic and forgot to spray it down first.  Now it's all gummed up.
  • Just a few more patches and I'll have the left forearm portion of the body cast done.  Later this evening, I'm going to have a friend come over and help me cast the torso.
  •  Found a suitable replacement for the plastic.  Someone suggested using those plastic "For Sale" signs that you can get at various hardware stores.  Went out last night and  checked them out myself.  They look like they should do the trick.  I found some fairly large one's for about 7-8 bucks a pop, but I found some slightly smaller ones for about $2.22 at Walmart.  That part of the project is a still pretty long ways away, but it's good to know that it's there.

I have been thinking a little bit about what else I can make should this project be successful.  At some point, I'd like to put together an Imperial Guardsman's uniform, specifically that of a Cadian Shock Trooper.  That probably wouldn't be terribly hard.  Most of it is just a set of olive-drap fatigues accented with some flak armor.  In addition, I'd like to make a set of Battle Sister armor (Not for myself, of course.  Durrr.)  It would be just as interesting as regular Space Marine armor, but with different sorts of accents to it.  But we'll just how this project goes.

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