Friday, April 10, 2009

For The Emperor!

There comes a time in every man's life when he sits down, thinks to himself and comes to the realization that he has nothing better to do with his time than make a full suit of Warhammer 40k Space Marine armor.  This is the chronicle of that struggle:

It started out with this post on The Bolter and the Chainsword.  I sat and sort of marveled at the achievements of the gentlemen who made the set of armor show in the post.  I downloaded their instuctions, looked it up and down and decided that I wanted to make something similar.  Rather than the materials they used, though, I decided I wanted to use a process similar to what was used on this fabulous Storm Trooper armor tutorial.  "Awesome," I thought, "I have a plan!"  But looking at it, I noticed one problem:  this was going to take money, and I have basically none.  Cursing the Heavens, I began to get bummed.  But, a new thought occured to me.  What if I combined my desire for some Space Marine armor with a sort of challenge.  The challenge being finding a way to make the best armor I possible could for as cheap as possible.  This is my mission.  

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